Date wrapper:

CoastWatch Citizen Science Training

January 12, 2019 - 9:00 AM
Inn at Otter Crest
301 Otter Crest Dr.
Otter Rock, OR

 Inn at Otter Crest and steps (but our training will take place at low tide!).\Photo courtesy of ORKingTides.
Inn at Otter Crest and steps (but our training will take place at low tide!).\Photo courtesy of ORKingTides.

Fawn Custer, CoastWatch’s volunteer coordinator, will provide training in two—or possibly three—of our citizen science projects this Saturday, Jan. 12, at the Otter Rock Marine Reserve, from 9 a.m. to about 10 a.m.  To learn about the marine debris and marine mammal surveys, meet Fawn at the base of steps to the beach at the Inn at Otter Crest (301 Otter Crest Dr.—the inn is located just to the north of the community of Otter Rock).  Find the steps at the end of the parking lot.  The event is free and open to all.

If any bird carcasses are present, Fawn will also demonstrate the beached bird survey protocol. Plus, this will be a chance for participants to ask Fawn in person about any other aspect of CoastWatch observations.

The event depends on the weather not being overly inclement.  If in doubt on the morning of the 12th, or for other information about this event or about the citizen science projects, contact Fawn at (541) 270-0027,