Date wrapper:

Review of Rocky Shore Policy

January 25, 2019 - 9:00 PM
Agriculture Building
63 Capitol St NE
Salem, OR
Free—public meeting

 Rocky shores and sea stars.\Photo by Alex Derr.
Rocky shores and sea stars.\Photo by Alex Derr.

The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) is meeting Jan. 24-25 in Salem, in the Basement Hearing Room of the Agriculture Building (635 Capitol St., N.E.) in Salem.  The subjects under consideration on the first day don’t particularly relate to the coast, but on the second day, Friday, Jan. 25, LCDC will review the draft of Oregon’s emerging new set of policies concerning managing our rocky shore resources.  (The intertidal area is part of our Territorial Sea, which falls under Goal 19 of the statewide planning goals that the Department of Land Conservation and Development administers, so LCDC has a hand in the creation of this policy.)

The Rocky Shores Management Strategy Update is item number 13 on the agenda.  There are no fixed times on the agenda, but this item is scheduled after lunch on Friday, so it seems safe to say it won’t be heard early in the morning.  Department staff will present a report on the planning process to date and review next steps and the public input process.  Public testimony will be taken on the issue. 

For a complete agenda, and information on how to listen in remotely, go here.

For more information on the planning process, contact Andy Lanier, (503) 934-0072,