Date wrapper:

Lobby Day against Jordan Cove

March 28, 2019 - 9:30 AM
Oregon State Capitol
900 Court St NE
No-LNG Coalition

 Earlier anti-LNG rally at the Capitol\Photo courtesy of Rogue Climate.
Earlier anti-LNG rally at the Capitol\Photo courtesy of Rogue Climate.

The coalition of groups, including Oregon Shores, that opposes development of an LNG (liquefied natural gas) terminal on Coos Bay’s North Spit, has called for a public rally and lobby day against LNG at the Oregon State Capitol on Thursday, March 28.  Everyone who opposes the Jordan Cove Energy Project, which will not only do grave damage to the Coos Bay estuary and hundreds of streams and waterways, but also become the state’s largest source of the greenhouse gases contributing to climate change, is invited to come and declare their views to the legislature.

Meet in Hearing Room 50 at the Oregon State Capitol (900 Court St. N.E.) at 9:30 a.m.  A light breakfast will be offered, followed by training in lobbying.  After a lunch at noon, participants will meet in groups with their legislators (in sessions organized by the coalition).  The event will wind up with a group photo at 4:30 p.m.

Your RSVP is needed to help plan for the event.  Go here:

For more information, contact Allie Rosenbluth, community organizer for Rogue Climate, at 703-298-3639,