Date wrapper:

Meeting on Spraying Strategy

March 12, 2019 - 6:00 PM
North Coast Recreation District Building
36155 9th St
Nehalem, OR
North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection

Helicopter spraying of pesticides.\Photo courtesy of Oregon Wild.
Helicopter spraying of pesticides.\Photo courtesy of Oregon Wild.

North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection (NCCWP—the recently renamed Rockaway Citizens for Watershed Protection) hosts Lincoln County Community Rights (LCCR) for a discussion of how the latter group has addressed the problem of aerial spraying of pesticides.  The meeting takes place on Tuesday, March 12, at the North Coast Recreation District Building (36155 9th St.) in Nehalem.  Doors open at 5:30 p.m.; the meeting will take place from 6 p.m. to about 8.  The event is free and open to all.  Light refreshments will be served.

LCCR successfully passed a ballot measure in 2017 which banned aerial spraying in Lincoln County.  This meeting will enable LCCR representatives to tell their story to north coast residents.  Presenters will be Barbara Davis and Debra Fant, both of whom are mothers, nurses, and board members of Lincoln County Community Rights.  They will explain how LCCR brought Measure 21-177 to the ballot--the first measure in the U.S. passed by a vote of the people to ban aerial spraying of pesticides.  Read more about the LCCR story in "The Intercept."

For more information, contact, (503) 355-2516.