Riprap Hearing Request Deadline
Members of the public have the opportunity to request a hearing in the case of the notorious Tai Dang house in Rockaway. Built in a location where it should never have been allowed, the structure is now threatened by erosion. The developer obtained an emergency permit to protect it with riprap during the past winter, and has now applied to make that shoreline protection structure permanent. Oregon Shores contends that the public shoreline should not be sacrificed because the house was erroneously permitted by the city of Rockaway Beach to be built in a location that clearly violated the city’s land use plan.
A public hearing will be held if there are at least 10 requests by 5 p.m. on April 15. It is also possible to comment for or against the proposal without requesting a hearing. If requesting a hearing, it is important to state a reason. Comments or requests should be sent to Calum Stevenson, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, 12735 N.W. Pacific Coast Highway, Seal Rock, OR 97376, It is now too late to mail requests, so contacting him online will be necessary. In your message, state that you are writing about Permit No. #2908, Dang Ocean Shore Alteration Permit for Shoreline Protection Structure. If you are requesting a hearing, be sure to state this clearly, and state the reason why you believe a hearing is called for. (This could be simply "Because this will have an impact on the public shoreline, and the public deserves a chance to weigh in on this.")
For more detail on the issue, see our article.
To learn more about Oregon Shores’ position, contact Phillip Johnson, Oregon Shores’ executive director, (503) 754-9303,