Date wrapper:

Hearing on Rocky Shores

May 24, 2019 - 9:00 AM
Land Conservation and Development Commission headquarters
635 Capitol St NE, Suite 150
Salem, OR
Free-public meeting

Thunder Rock, in Curry County.\Photo by Rena Olson.
Thunder Rock, in Curry County.\Photo by Rena Olson.

At its upcoming meeting Oregon’s Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) will hold a hearing on the draft Rocky Habitat Management Strategy that the Ocean Policy Advisory Council has been developing over the past couple of years.  See our article for background on this important process.  The hearing takes place Friday, May 24, beginning at 9 a.m. at LCDC headquarters in Salem (635 Capitol St., N.E., Suite 150) in the Basement Hearing Room.

The meeting lasts all day, but the hearing on the rocky shore strategy is the first item on the agenda.  Technically, the plan constitutes proposed amendments to the Territorial Sea Plan-Part Three, which covers rocky habitat resources in the intertidal areas and including rocky reefs out to the state’s territorial limit of three miles.  Staff will brief the LCDC commissioners on the work on the rocky shore plan to date, and public testimony will be accepted.  Go here to view the staff report on the plan.

LCDC will also consider updated regulations for offshore energy development at the same meeting.

Find the meeting agenda here.  Note that this is actually the second day of a two-day LCDC meeting which begins on Thursday, May 23.

For more information about the Rocky Habitat Management Strategy, contact Deanna Caracciolo, Rocky Shores Coordinator, at (503) 934-0026,