Date wrapper:

Tour of Proposed Clearcut

July 2, 2019 - 9:00 AM
Hug Point State Park
Arch Cape, OR
Oregon Department of Forestry
Free—public event

Hug Point waterfall.\Photo by Bruce Swenson.

The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) plans to clearcut 77 acres of public forest containing the drinking watershed for local residents. This cut abuts Highway 101 between Arcadia Beach and Hug Point State Parks.  It is adjacent to occupied Marbled Murrelet habitat and Oregon’s “largest” cedar tree, and would take place on landslide-prone terrain. 

ODF has offered a “public tour” of the proposed logging site, but hasn’t made information about it public.  The Ecola Creek Awareness Project and other local conservationists have expressed grave concern about the potential effects of logging this land, and urge concerned local citizens to join the tour.

To participate, meet at the Hug Point State Park parking lot at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, July 2.  Hug Point lies between Arch Cape and Cannon Beach on Hwy 101.