FERC Comment Deadline Passes, Response Awaited
The public comment period to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) concerning the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Jordan Cove Energy Project’s proposed LNG (liquefied natural gas) project on Coos Bay’s North Spit has passed. Now we wait for FERC's response.
Oregon Shores, along with our allies in the No LNG Coalition, considers the DEIS to be extremely inadequate. The coalition has filed collective comments, which individuals are welcome to mine for arguments to use in their own remarks. Oregon Shores contributed to these comments, focusing on impacts to the estuary. To view the comments, go here.
While the official period has passed, there is no reason you can't comment to FERC at other times. Comments wouldn't go into the formal record, so it probably wouldn't be worthwhile to deliver detailed arguments, but the agency would nevertheless be aware of continuing public concern. Make clear that you are writing to oppose the project, and that you do not believe that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement demonstrates that the project meets the federal requirements of "need." You can further state that the many adverse environmental impacts and safety risks of this project demonstrate that it is not in the public interest. Mention the potential impacts to wildlife—at least 13 federally listed species are threatened by the project. You can write detailed comments if you wish, but a short statement, especially if you make it personal and explain why you are concerned about the area and how you would be impacted by the project, can be effective at the political if not technical level.
For more info, go here and read the “comment guide."
Identify your statement as directed to the Draft EIS for the Jordan Cove Liquid Natural Gas facility, FERC project numbers CP17-494-000 and CP17-495-00.
Mail comments to Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, FERC, 888 First St., NE, Room 1A, Washington, D.C. 20426, to be postmarked by July 5.
You may also be able to email comments (FERC may close their portal to this), though the procedure is extremely complicated and takes several back-and-forth steps with FERC; for more info, check out this and follow instructions under “online submission."