Date wrapper:

Botts Marsh Development Hearing

October 3, 2019 - 7:00 PM
Wheeler City Hall
775 Nehalem Blvd
Wheeler, OR
Free—public meeting

Nehalem estuary, with Wheeler in the foreground.\Photo by Dennis White.

The preservation of Botts Marsh itself—a wetland area in the Nehalem estuary—after many years of effort was a conservation triumph.  But now a company known as Botts Marsh LLC wants to place a development, including a 44-room hotel, on a nearby upland site.  The location is within the city of Wheeler’s urban growth boundary, but would require annexation to the citiy.

The Wheeler Planning Commission is holding a hearing on the proposal on Thursday, Oct. 3, 7 p.m. in the Wheeler City Hall (775 Nehalem Blvd.).

Many local citizens have concerns about the development, which relies on an outdated geologic hazard report, and is clearly within the tsunami zone.  The hotel would require a height variance, and the development raises questions about water and sewage demand. 

Those unable to attend the hearing who would wish to testify can send their comments to City Manager Juliet Hyams at