Date wrapper:

Seminar on Estuary Studies

February 27, 2020 - 3:30 PM
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 SE Marine Science Dr
Newport, OR
HMSC Seminar Series

The HMSC, site of the estuary talk (on point to left of photo), on Yaquina Bay, which is itself an estuary.\Photo by Alex Derr, with support from Lighthawk.

As part of the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) Seminar Series, biologist Liz Perotti will speak on research and management questions relating to estuaries and the nearshore ocean, and training needs for future scientists working in these areas.  Perotti speaks at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 27, in the Library Seminar Room in the Guin Library at HMSC (2030 S.E. Marine Science Dr., in the South Beach area of Newport).  Her talk is entitled “Pacific Estuarine Research Society 2020:  Science in the Face of Changing Ocean Conditions  Modeling private coastal adaptation through shoreline armoring decisions.”  The talk is free and open to all.

Perotti is Shellfish Program Assistant Project Leader with the Marine Resources Program of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, based in Newport, and also Pacific Estuarine Research Society President.

Here is her description of the upcoming talk:

“Would you like to interact with researchers, managers, and communicators working in estuaries and the nearshore in the Pacific Northwest? Learn more about the Pacific Estuarine Research Society (PERS), a non-profit that brings together a wide-ranging membership actively engaged in estuarine and coastal research and management on the Pacific Northwest.  This seminar features the upcoming 2020 meeting in Florence, themed “Shellfish to Salmon: Science in the Face of Changing Ocean Conditions” and offers a sneak peek at a few Ignite talks from members at ODFW, USEPA, and PSU. Also presented are key findings from a workshop investigating gaps in training for the next generation of estuarine and coastal scientists. Opportunities for professionals and students are also highlighted.

For more on PERS, see

For a live broadcast of the talk through Adobe Connect, go to