Date wrapper:

Rocky Habitat Working Group Meeting

April 28, 2020 - 1:00 PM
Cost: Free—public meeting

Rocky shore habitat at Lone Ranch Beach.\Photo by Laurel Hillmann.

We are nearing the end of the years-long process through which Oregon is revisiting and revising its strategy and regulations for protecting rocky shore and offshore rocky habitats.  The Rocky Habitat Management Strategy Working Group, which has been on the front lines in developing the new strategy, is holding a short check-in meeting on Tuesday, April 28, at 1 p.m. to take one last look at the process before the Ocean Policy Advisory Council considers adopting the current (final?) draft at its May 6 meeting.  The meeting is entirely remote (online or phone), and should last about an hour.

Connection information will be provided the week of the meeting on

Click here to learn about the process for developing the Rocky Habitat Management Strategy. 

For more information about the meeting, contact Michael Moses at