Virtual Tour of Oregon Coast Trail
The Oregon Coast Trail is a border-to-border hiking route first proposed about 50 years ago and first declared “hikeable” in the 1980s. But it remains a work in progress. And people have actually been walking some version of the Oregon Coast Trail for a very long time. How long? And how does one go about planning a through-hike on the OCT today?
Guidebook author (and CoastWatcher) Bonnie Henderson will provide a virtual presentation about the OCT--its geological and human history and the quirks of hiking this unique long-distance trail—on Thursday, Sept. 10, 5:30 p.m. The talk is sponsored by the North Coast Land Conservancy (which would have begun its annual CoastWalk event on this date, save for the coronavirus).
Bonnie Henderson is the author of “Day Hiking: Oregon Coast,” most directly relevant to this event, and also of Strand: An Odyssey of Pacific Ocean Debris,” drawing from her experiences as an adopter of CoastWatch Mile 157.
Find the registration link for the event at