Date wrapper:

Jordan Cove Appeal Online

September 1, 2020 - 1:00 PM
Free—public hearing

Henderson Marsh, immediately adjacent to the proposed Jordan Cove LNG site.\Photo by Jody McCaffree.

The fate of the proposed Jordan Cove LNG export terminal, which Canadian multinational Pembina aims to build in Coos Bay’s North Spit, may hinge not on public rallies or lawsuits, but on very technical arguments in land use hearing rooms.  Oregon Shores is attempting to block Jordan Cove through five appeals of local land use decisions. 

What is known as the consolidated Omnibus I/Omnibus II appeal comes up for oral argument before the state’s Land Use Board of Appeals on Tuesday, Sept. 1, beginning at 1 p.m.  This is a opportunity for interested members of the public to listen in on land use law being made.

The appeal concerns a package of land use applications for the site of the proposed LNG terminal site that were approved by Coos County.  Oregon Shores, the lead appellant, is arguing that the county failed to adequately address impacts to the estuary and to North Spit habitats and failed to take into account its own Estuary Management Plan.

Here are the call-in instructions:

 Since the conference line "beeps" anytime a participant joins, it would be polite to call into the argument 5-10 minutes before and put yourself on mute.