Date wrapper:

Fishery Management Seminar

September 24, 2020 - 3:30 PM
Hatfield Marine Science Center

Fishing vessel at sea.\Photo by Jon Harvey.

In the coronavirus era, the Hatfield Marine Science Center is holding its research seminar series online.  These events are free and open to the public via Zoom

Next up is Eric Wade, Ph.D. Candidate, Fisheries Science, Department of Fisheries & Wildlife, Oregon State University, presenting on Thursday, Sept. 24, 3:30 p.m.

His virtual seminar is entitled “Fishing Under Risk and Uncertainty: Unlocking the Motivations and Drivers of Fishing Strategy Decisions in the Caribbean.”  While the specific research isn’t local, Wade will be discussing management questions that apply everywhere.

His description of his talk:

“Fisheries management is an inherently complex and uncertain arena. Uncertainty is associated with changing weather and climate conditions, market dynamics, and institutional restrictions, among others. Understanding how small-scale fishers navigate this uncertain environment when making fishing strategy decisions is of growing interest to policymakers and scientists. Indeed, the incorporation of how fishers in risky and uncertain conditions juggle often competing preferences when choosing to maintain their livelihoods offers an important contribution to fostering sustainable fisheries management. In this talk, I will discuss how we approach this idea to explore stakeholders' conceptualization of a new fisheries policy in Belize meant to reduce uncertainty and how we are scaling up this idea in Jamaica to dynamically explore motivations and drivers of fishers in the face of an increasingly risky fishing industry. I will close by highlighting the potential conservation implications of obtaining a deeper understanding of the drivers behind fishers’ decision-making strategies and its contribution to sustainable fisheries management.” 

For the live broadcast of this virtual Thursday Seminar, go here.

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