Talk on Climate and Estuaries
Caitlin Magel, a PhD student at Oregon State University, will deliver a talk on “Interaction of Climate and Human-driven Changes in Pacific Northwest Estuaries: Perspectives from Seagrass and Macroalgae,” on Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 5:30 p.m. The talk, sponsored by the Cape Perpetua Collaborative, is free and open to all.
Seagrass and macroalgae provide many important services to coastal communities. Located in estuaries along the coast, these vegetated habitats are vulnerable to both ocean- and land-based stressors. This talk will investigate the importance of various environmental drivers using 15 years of seagrass surveys within and among four Pacific Northwest estuaries. Perspectives on the long-term persistence of these habitats and implications for estuary resilience will be explored.
To register, go here.