Date wrapper:

Marine Reserves Dashboard Presentation

February 18, 2021 - 3:30 PM
HMSC Research Seminar Series


SCUBA research taking place in a marine reserve.\Photo courtesy of ODFW.
The Hatfield Marine Science Center’s Research Seminar Series presents “Taking a Deeper Dive:  The ODFW Marine Reserves Data Dashboard,” on Thursday, Feb. 18, 3:30 p.m.  The virtual presentation is free and open to all.

The speaker will be Lindsay Aylesworth, Research Project Leader with the Marine Reserves Program of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW).

To preview the talk:  In November, 2020, the ODFW Marine Reserves program launched the ODFW Marine Reserves Data Dashboard, a website that allows users to explore marine reserves monitoring data collected by ODFW over the last 10 years. Oregon’s five marine reserves are each unique in their size, shape, habitats and historical fishing pressure. ODFW has tailored monitoring at each site based on these attributes. The goals of the data dashboard are to increase the transparency of ODFW’s long-term ecological monitoring efforts using four core research tools and to promote the use of monitoring data in future collaborations. Research Project Leader Dr. Lindsay Aylesworth will take the audience on a deeper dive into the ecological monitoring at Oregon’s marine reserve sites. She’ll explain the expectations of change for each site, the caveats and limitations of using the dashboard to explore the data, and how to formally collaborate with the program to use the data for your own research or teaching. 

To visit the dashboard online:

To register for the seminar, go here.

Dial-In Information: call +1-971-247-1195 US Meeting ID: 945 5573 1151