Ocean Events

No events currently scheduled.

Past Events

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Lecture on Snails and Slime

December 3, 2021

Slime will be the subject--algae at Crystal Cove.\Photo courtesy of the Bracken Lab.

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology’s fall seminar series is taking place online again this year.  The talks take place at 4 p.m. on Fridays.  These events are free and open to the public, but it is...

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Seminar on Drones and Whales

December 2, 2021

Whale fluke.\Photo by Dennis White.

The Hatfield Marine Science Center’s Thursday research seminar series continues online.  Next up is a talk on whales and drones, coming up Thursday, Dec. 2, at 3:30 p.m.  The event is free and open to the public.

The speaker is KC (Kevin) Bierlich, a...

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Lecture on Art and Science of Kelp

December 1, 2021

Bull kelp.\Photo by Jose Iselin.

On Wednesday, Dec. 1, 6 p.m., the Elakha Alliance presents “Chasing Kelp: A bull kelp journey across the Pacific Coast.”  The online event is free and open to all.

The speaker is Josie Iselin, who will describe her journey as an artist plunging into the...

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Land-Sea Symposium

November 18, 2021

Bull kelp.\Photo by Jose Iselin.

The 9th annual Cape Perpetua Land-Sea Symposium is coming up on Thursday, Nov. 18, 5:30-7:30 p.m.  Sponsored by the Cape Perpetua Collaborative (of which CoastWatch is one of the partners), the event brings together those who care for the Cape Perpetua area...

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Marine Reserves on Tap

November 9, 2021


North boundary of the Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve.\Photo courtesy of ODFW.
The Hatfield Marine Science Center’s Science on Tap series is still online.  The upside is that these presentations are available everywhere; the downside is that you have to pour your own.

On Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 6...

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Talk on Archaeology and Sea Otters

November 9, 2021

Sea otters at sea.\Photo courtesy of the Cape Perpetua Collaborative.

The Cape Perpetua Collaborative is offering a series of Young Scientist Webinars, featuring graduate students and postdoctoral researchers sharing the new research they are doing.  The series runs through April on the...