CoastWatch Events

Events of interest to CoastWatchers, sponsored by various organizations. Events that are sponsored or featured by Oregon Shores are highlighted.

CoastWatch intertidal field trip.  Photo by Alex Derr.
CoastWatch intertidal field trip. Photo by Alex Derr.
No events currently scheduled.

Past Events

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Beached Bird Survey Training: Brookings

December 11, 2022, Brookings

COASST beached bird survey volunteers at work.\Photo by Melissa Keyser.

On Sunday, Dec. 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST) is hosting a beached bird survey training. This training will take place at the Chetco Activity Center (550...

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Beached Bird Survey Training: Port Orford

December 10, 2022, Port Orford

Beached bird surveyors at work. (No photo credit.)
Beached bird surveyors at work. (No photo credit.)

On Saturday, Dec. 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST) is hosting a beached bird survey training. This training will take place at the Oregon State University (OSU) Port Orford Field...

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Land-Sea Symposium

November 17, 2022, Yachats

North boundary of Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve. /Photo courtesy of Oregon Marine Reserves Flickr
North boundary of Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve. /Photo courtesy of Oregon Marine Reserves Flickr

The Cape Perpetua Land-Sea Symposium will be resuming as an in-person event for its 10th annual celebration this year. The event will take place at the Yachats Commons (441 U.S. 101, Yachats) on...