CoastWatch Events
Events of interest to CoastWatchers, sponsored by various organizations.
Events that are sponsored or featured by Oregon Shores are highlighted.
Past Events
Webinar on Dune Plants
On Tuesday, Oct. 25th at 6 p.m., CoastWatch will be hosting a webinar entitled "Plant Life of the Oregon Dunes: Past, Present & Future," featuring Dr. Sally Hacker and Ian Silvernail.
CoastWatch's fall bioblitz resulted in some great observations of...
Marine Debris Survey Training
More volunteers are always needed for the marine debris survey managed by CoastWatch. People on the north coast have a monthly opportunity to participate in a survey, to see whether it is for you, and to get training if interested.
Sand Seminar
Nothing could be more fundamental to the Oregon coast and its public beaches than sand. We may love the feel of sand between our toes, and we may worry about sand if it seems to be eroding away, but we tend not to think about the substance...
Talk on Youth and Environmental Justice
The Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators offer a virtual talk on “Engaging Youth in Environmental Justice” on Monday, Oct. 3, at 6:30 p.m.
In this talk, learn how Dr. Mindy Chappell leveraged chemistry curriculum in...
CoastWatch Fall Challenge--Extended
There is still time to participate in the CoastWatch Fall Challenge, a 10-day event running Sept. 23-Oct. 3 (note: this has been extended by one day), during which CoastWatch volunteers (and anyone else who would like to participate) are...
CoastWatch Orientation--South Coast
A CoastWatch orientation beachwalk will be held on Saturday, Sept. 17, at Harris Beach State Park just north of Brookings, beginning at 10 a.m. Harris Beach State Park is also one of Oregon’s eight Marine Education Areas (previously called...
Beach and River Cleanup
SOLVE is hosting a statewide beach and river cleanup on Saturday, Sept. 17, in partnership with the Oregon Lottery. Volunteers are encouraged to join a SOLVE-sponsored project in whatever location is most accessible, all of which are listed ...
Virtual Beached Bird Survey Training
On Sunday, Sep. 11, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., COASST (the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team) will conduct a virtual COASSTLite! introductory training session for anyone interested in participating in their...
Thesis Defense Re: Hybrid Beachgrass
CoastWatch has been involved for the past several years in aiding the search for a new, hybrid beachgrass on the Oregon coast. Oregon State University graduate student Rebeca Mostow has been studying this new offspring of the two types of invasive beachgrass and...
Tidepool Ambassador Tour
Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve Collaborative is offering free, small-group tours with a Tidepool Ambassador Guide during the lowest tides of the summer. Tours will last one hour, guests are encouraged to continue exploring the reserve on their...