CoastWatch Events
Events of interest to CoastWatchers, sponsored by various organizations.
Events that are sponsored or featured by Oregon Shores are highlighted.
Past Events
North Coast Training for Oystercatcher Survey
This event is one of three available training sessions for volunteers interested in helping with a scientific study of Black Oystercatchers, which will run from May through August. Sponsored by Audubon Society of Portland. See...
Central Coast Training for Oystercatcher Survey
This event is one of three available training sessions for volunteers interested in helping with a scientific study of Black Oystercatchers, which will run from May through August. Sponsored by Audubon Society of Portland. See...
Birding, Blues and CoastWatch
Earth Day Gathering at Beverly Beach
CoastWatch will hold a special Earth Day gathering at Beverly Beach State Park, from 6-8 p.m. on Friday, April 22. Meet at the Education Yurt. Fawn Custer will give an overview of what CoastWatchers have been finding on the shore in recent...
Flying Offshore: Getting to Know Curry's Seabirds
Link Forests to Tidepools at Cape Perpetua
Marine reserves don’t exist in a vacuum, and one important goal for Oregon Shores and our partners in the Oregon Marine Reserves Partnership (OMRP) is to link onshore ecosystems to these protected areas immediately offshore.
The Cape...
Coastal Rainforest Presentation
Naturalist Neal Maine offers a presentation in words and images about our...
Volunteer Coordinator Helps with Whale Watch Training
Kalmiopsis Audubon Society Annual Meeting and Potluck
Join Kalmiposis Audubon Society members for this annual meeting plus fun potluck and slide sharing. Bring something you like to eat, and each person can share 10-15 favorite bird, nature, or landscape slides in either digital or traditional format. It’s always a fun evening. If you plan to come,...