CoastWatch Events
Events of interest to CoastWatchers, sponsored by various organizations.
Events that are sponsored or featured by Oregon Shores are highlighted.
Past Events
Snowy Plover Training
Breeding season for the Western Snowy Plover began March 15. Recreation restricted at 16 beaches managed for these threatened shorebirds (the only shorebirds that nest on Oregon beaches, apart from the occasional killdeer) have gone...
Photographic Tour of Wildlife Refuges
With public lands under attack at both the federal and state level, a reminder of the value and beauty of those lands is timely. The Yaquina Birders & Naturalists will host “A Photographic Journey...
Pelican Lecture
Wildlife biologist Deborah Jaques will speak on “Tracking the Brown Pelican” on Wednesday, March 15, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Seaside Public Library (1131 Broadway St.). The event, free and open to the public, is sponsored by the...
Beached Bird Survey Training
CoastWatch is the Oregon partner of the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST), which conducts a long-running beached bird survey in all the West Coast states. This is true citizen science; with training, volunteers learn to gather...
Beached Bird Survey Training
CoastWatch is the Oregon partner of the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST), which conducts a long-running beached bird survey in all the West Coast states. This is true citizen science; with training, volunteers learn to gather...
Sharing the Coast Conference
This year’s Sharing the Coast Conference, our annual event that provides a cornucopia of information relating to monitoring the shoreline and participating in citizen science,...
Whale Talk Tonight
The Sharing the Coast Conference kicks off with an evening talk by Leigh Torres, an Assistant Professor in Oregon State University’s Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, based at the Ecology of Marine Megafauna Laboratory in Newport. Dr. Torres...
Beached Bird Survey Training
CoastWatch is the Oregon partner of the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST), which conducts a long-running beached bird survey in all the West Coast states. This is true citizen science; with training, volunteers learn to...
Guided Bird Walk
The Yaquina Birders and Naturalists are offering a guided walk devoted to coastal wintering birds on Saturday, February 19, from 9-11 a.m.
Eric Horvath, international bird guide and long-time YB&N member, will lead this field trip. In winter just...
Marine Mammal Stranding Talk
Jim Rice, Stranding Coordinator for the Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network, will speak on how stranding events offer a wealth of information to researchers and resource managers at the next meeting of the Yaquina Birders and...