Land Events

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Past Events

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Hearing on Floras Lake

April 17, 2019, Gold Beach

Floras Lake.\Photo courtesy of Floras Lake House.
Floras Lake.\Photo courtesy of Floras Lake House.

The Curry County commissioners are holding a special workshop this Wednesday, April 17, at 2 pm., to consider the long-sought Floras Lake land swap.  The meeting will be held in the County Annex Building (94235 Moore St.).  The proposal is...

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Riprap Hearing Request Deadline

April 15, 2019

The threatened house in question.\Photo by Shalom
The threatened house in question.\Photo by Shalom

Members of the public have the opportunity to request a hearing in the case of the notorious Tai Dang house in Rockaway.  Built in a location where it should never have been allowed, the structure is now threatened by erosion.  The...

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Talk on Forests, Climate, and Wall Street

April 9, 2019, Nehalem

Coastal forest habitat.\Photo by Alexis Garrett.
Coastal forest habitat.\Photo by Alexis Garrett.

As part of their “Speaking Truth to Power” series of talks, the North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection are hosting Chuck Willer, director of the Coast Range Association, for a presentation on “Wall Street Forests, the Climate...

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Hearing on Coquille Point Hotel

April 9, 2019, Bandon

Coquille Point, with the mouth of the Coquille River in the background, from the air.\Photo by Rena Olson.
Coquille Point, with the mouth of the Coquille River in the background, from the air.\Photo by Rena Olson.

The Bandon City Council will take up the issue of the proposed hotel development at iconic Coquille Point at a public hearing on Tuesday, April 9, 5 p.m. in the council chambers at...

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Science Talk '19

April 4, 2019 - April 5, 2019, Portland

Have you ever struggled to explain why your science matters to a non-scientist? Have you ever been frustrated at the way science is covered in the media and used in policy? Have you wondered just what they’re teaching about science these days? Then this particular annual conference is right...

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State Forest Habitat Conservation Plan Meeting (or Webinar)

March 21, 2019, Salem

A scene from the Clatsop State Forest.

A Habitat Conservation Plan Public Kick-Off Meeting will be held Thursday, March 21 in Salem with options to attend in-person and via webinar. The presentation by the Oregon Department of Forestry will be from 1-3 p.m. with an informal meet-n-greet from 3-4 p.m. with the project team at Broadway...

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Talk on Fish Stock Status

March 19, 2019, Siletz

Biologist Paul Olmstead.
Biologist Paul Olmstead.

The Siletz Watershed Council invites the public to a talk on fish populations in the mid-coast area.  The event, the council’s quarterly meeting, takes place on Tuesday, March 19, 6:30 p.m. at the Siletz Public Library (225 S.E. Gaither St.).  Light refreshments...

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Owling along the Rogue

March 16, 2019, Gold Beach

Barrel Owl in Oregon.
Barrel owl in Oregon. | Photo by Chanel Hason.

Join Kalmiopsis Audubon Society tripleader Gary Maschmeyer to kick off this year’s Let’s Go Birding season with an outing to the Rogue River Walk in search of owls. This walk will take place on Saturday, March 16, at 5:45 p.m. Meet at the Gold...

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Lecture on Tahkenitch Landing Site

March 16, 2019, Yachats

The Siuslaw National Forest is home to one of the oldest archaeological sites along the Central Oregon Coast. Tahkenitch Landing, seven miles north of Reedsport, provides intriguing insights into how humans responded to a changing environment between 8,000 and 3,000 years before present...