Land Events

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Past Events

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Conservancy Management Discussion

March 14, 2019, Manzanita

The coastal edge at Cape Falcon.\Photo courtesy of ODFW.
The coastal edge at Cape Falcon.\Photo courtesy of ODFW.

The North Coast Land Conservancy (NCLC) is working on its biggest project ever: conservation of 3,500 acres of forestland above Oswald West State Park to benefit people, plants, and wildlife. Which brings into high relief an issue...

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Hearing on Floras Lake

March 13, 2019, Gold Beach

Floras Lake from the air.\Photo by Alex Derr.
Floras Lake from the air.\Photo by Alex Derr.

The long-sought Floras Lake land swap will be on the Curry County commissioners’ agenda when they meet on Wednesday, 9 a.m., in the County Annex Building (94235 Moore St.).  The proposal is for State Parks to swap about 33 acres at the...

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Meeting on Spraying Strategy

March 12, 2019, Nehalem

Helicopter spraying of pesticides.\Photo courtesy of Oregon Wild.
Helicopter spraying of pesticides.\Photo courtesy of Oregon Wild.

North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection (NCCWP—the recently renamed Rockaway Citizens for Watershed Protection) hosts Lincoln County Community Rights (LCCR) for a discussion of how the latter group has addressed the...

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Lecture on Corvids and People

March 9, 2019, Yachats

Corvids are known as the bird brains of the avian world. If you've spent any time watching ravens, crows, and jays you know that's true and you probably have a story to tell. Besides being smart, these birds are among the most viewable of wildlife. But their relationship with people and...

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Nehalem Estuary Cleanup

March 9, 2019

Nehalem Bay, with Wheeler in the foreground.\Photo by Dennis White.
Nehalem Bay, with Wheeler in the foreground.\Photo by Dennis White.

The 2019 Nehalem Estuary Cleanup will be taking place on Saturday, March 9. Spend a day making a lasting difference in the beautiful Nehalem Bay Estuary and community. Click here to get the latest details about this...

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Lecture on Alsea Tribal Life

March 3, 2019, Yachats

Learn about the pre-European inhabitants of the Cape Perpetua area from one of Cape Perpetua’s exceptional volunteers, Dick Mason. He will also take you on a quick and entertaining tour of world history that occurred while the Alsea were enjoying their evening seaweed and mussel dinners at...

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Coastal Watershed Protection Talk

March 2, 2019, Netarts

A scene from the Clatsop State Forest.
A scene from the Clatsop State Forest.

Chuck Willer, executive director of the Coast Range Association, will give a presentation addressing “Options for Coastal Watershed Protection” on Saturday, March 2, 1 p.m. at the Netarts Fire Station Hall (1235 Fifth St. Loop, W.) in Netarts. ...

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Forestry Practices Monitoring Workshop

February 27, 2019, Gold Beach

Herbicide spraying by helicopter.\Photo courtesy of Oregon Wild.
Herbicide spraying by helicopter. | Photo courtesy of Oregon Wild.

Speakers from Coast Range Forest Watch provide a presentation and discussion of aerial herbicides and their effects on landowners, neighbors, and surrounding communities. This workshop takes place on Wednesday, Feb. 27, 6-8...

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Curry County Commissioners’ Workshop

February 27, 2019, Gold Beach

Curry County's Rogue River, at Lex Landing.\Photo by Kelly Timchak.
Curry County's Rogue River, at Lex Landing.\Photo by Kelly Timchak.

The Curry County Board of Commissioners is holding a workshop on natural resource policy on Wednesday, Feb. 27, 3-5 p.m.  Staff from various resource agencies, such as the Oregon Water Resources Department, Forest Service,...

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Siltcoos Lake Hike

February 23, 2019, Westlake

Siltcoos Lake.
Siltcoos Lake. | Photo courtesy of South Coast Striders

The public is invited to join the South Coast Striders for a hike along Siltcoos Lake Trail. Meet at 10 a.m. at the Siltcoos Lake Trail parking lot on Saturday, Feb. 23. Travel on Highway 101 to trailhead parking on the east side of...