Ocean Events

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Past Events

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Spring Pelican Survey

May 18, 2019

Brown Pelicans.\Photo by Dennis White.
Brown Pelicans.\Photo by Dennis White.

The annual spring Pacific Brown Pelican Survey is coming up Saturday, May 18.  (There will also be a fall survey on Sept. 14).  Veterans of the survey are asked to step up again; new volunteers are welcomed. 

Organized by the Audubon Society, these...

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Seminar on Mollusca

May 17, 2019, Charleston

Various marine larvae. | Photo courtesy of Lyons Lab, Scripps Institute

Join Dr. Deirdre Lyons, from Scripps Institute of Oceanography (UC San Diego), who will be giving a seminar titled, "Morphogenesis and specification of the molluscan shell gland, and what it can tell us about the...

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BioBlitz Data Collection Training

May 16, 2019, Corvallis

Fawn Custer (right) leads BioBlitz training.\Photo by Tara Dubois.
Fawn Custer (right) leads BioBlitz training.\Photo by Tara Dubois.

Those interested in making a special contribution to this year’s “BioBlitz” citizen science events are invited to a training session at Oregon State University in Wilkinson Hall, Room 203 (2601 S.W. Orchard Ave. in...

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Seminar on Larval Dispersal

May 10, 2019, Charleston

Larvae from Fuch's Lab work. | Photo courtesy of Rutgers University.

Join Dr. Heidi Fuchs, from Rutgers University, who will be giving a seminar titled, "Waves and turbulance as navigational signals for dispersing larvae" on May 10th at 4:00p.m. in the OIMB Boathouse Auditorium (63466 Boat...

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Black Oystercatcher Survey Training

May 8, 2019, Port Orford


Black Oystercatcher with chick.\Photo by Heather Roskelley.
Black Oystercatcher with chick.\Photo by Heather Roskelley.

A training session for this year’s citizen science survey of Oregon’s Black Oystercatcher population will take place on Wednesday, May 8, 6:30 p.m., at Oregon State University’s Port Orford Field Station (444 Jackson St.).  Those...

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Black Oystercatcher Survey Training

May 4, 2019, Newport

 Black Oystercatcher.\Photo by Tiffany Boothe.
Black Oystercatcher.\Photo by Tiffany Boothe.

A training session for this year’s citizen science survey of Oregon’s Black Oystercatcher population will take place on Saturday, May 4, 10 a.m.-noon, in the meeting room of the Newport office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2127 S.E....