Ocean Events

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Past Events

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Sea Otter Open House--Gold Beach

June 23, 2023, Gold Beach

Sea otters.
Sea otters.\Photo by Fritz Wilhelm.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is hosting 16 public open houses with communities in Northern California and Oregon this month to gather input on the potential reintroduction of sea otters to their historical range. The open houses will provide...

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Sea Otter Open House--Port Orford

June 23, 2023, Port Orford

Sea otters.\Photo by Eric Palmer.
Sea otters.\Photo by Eric Palmer.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is hosting 16 public open houses with communities in Northern California and Oregon this month to gather input on the potential reintroduction of sea otters to their historical range. The open houses will provide...

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Sea Otter Open House--Coos Bay

June 22, 2023, Coos Bay

Sea otter and pup.
Sea otter and pup.\Photo by Eleanor Solomon.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is hosting 16 public open houses with communities in Northern California and Oregon this month to gather input on the potential reintroduction of sea otters to their historical range. The open houses will...

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Talk on Restoring Sea Otters

June 21, 2023, Nehalem

Sea otter with pup.
Sea otter with pup.\Photo by Eric Palmer.

The Elakha Alliance, which works toward returning sea otters to Oregon’s coast, presents a talk on “Restoring Oregon’s Sea Otters,” Wednesday, June 21, 5:30 p.m. at the North County Recreation District (36155 9th St.) in Nehalem. Chanel Hason,...

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Sea Otter Open House--Newport

June 21, 2023, Newport


Sea otter at Monterey.
Sea otter at Monterey.\Photo by Joe Platko.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is hosting 16 public open houses with communities in Northern California and Oregon this month to gather input on the potential reintroduction of sea otters to their historical range. The open houses will...

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Sea Otter Open House--Garibaldi

June 21, 2023, Garibaldi

Sea otters off Cape Perpetua.
Sea otters visiting Oregon off Cape Perpetua.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is hosting 16 public open houses with communities in Northern California and Oregon this month to gather input on the potential reintroduction of sea otters to their historical range. The open houses will...

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Sea Otter Open House

June 20, 2023, Astoria

Sea otter at sea.
Sea otter at sea.\Photo by Lilian Carswell.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) will host 16 public open houses with communities in Northern California and Oregon this month to gather input on the potential reintroduction of sea otters to their historical range. The open houses will...

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Seminar on Relations with Marine Mammals

June 20, 2023, Newport

North Atlantic Right Whale.
North Atlantic Right Whale.\Photo courtesy of NOAA.

The Marine Mammal Institute at the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) is offering a special seminar on “Marine Mammals, Humans, and Nature: What We Have Done Wrong and How We Might Do Better.” It takes place in-person, and open to the...

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Seminar on Monitoring Ocean Acidification

June 8, 2023, Newport

Seascape.\Photo by Sara Schreiber.

The Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) research seminar series features a talk on measuring ocean acidification in both coastal and estuarine waters. “Evaluating the suitability of common autonomous monitoring sensors for characterizing ocean...

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ORKA Community Update

June 7, 2023, Port Orford

Kelp forest.\Photo by Patrick Webster.

On Wednesday, June 7th the Oregon Kelp Alliance (ORKA) hosts a community update. This free hybrid event will be held at 5:30 p.m. at the OSU Port Orford Field Station (444 Jackson St in Port Orford) and live-streamed on Zoom.

About the talk:

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