CoastWatch Events
Events of interest to CoastWatchers, sponsored by various organizations.
Events that are sponsored or featured by Oregon Shores are highlighted.
Past Events
Marine Disease Monitoring Webinar
CoastWatch supports the work of PRIMED (Primary Responders in Marine Emergent Disease) which engages volunteers to help detect new and emerging marine wildlife diseases on the Oregon Coast. In a training webinar on June 2, 6 p.m.,...
CoastWatch Guests with SEA
Jesse Jones, CoastWatch’s volunteer coordinator, will be a featured speaker during a special event hosted by Bandon’s Shoreline Education for Awareness (SEA), on Tuesday, June 1, beginning at 6 p.m.
Jesse will discuss how CoastWatch volunteers can...
Tidepool Field Trip
At long last, CoastWatch is beginning to offer beachwalks and field trainings. Our citizen science trainer, Fawn Custer, will meet people—CoastWatchers and others—on the beach at Otter Rock for a...
Training for Beachgrass Survey
CoastWatch cooperates with Oregon State University scientists conducting a survey for a new, hybrid beachgrass spreading on the northern Oregon coast. We have held volunteer trainings for this citizen science project online during the...
CoastWatch Field Trip
CoastWatch is beginning to offer in-person beachwalks and field trainings again. Our citizen science trainer, Fawn Custer, will meet people—CoastWatchers and other interested in learning about the...
Wildlife Disease Observer Training
The PRIMED Network (Primary Responders in Marine Emergent Disease) offers an in-person iNaturalist training at Otter Rock Marine Reserve on May 15, 8:30-10:00 a.m. PRIMED needs help to detect new and emerging marine wildlife diseases on the Oregon Coast, and...
Marine Debris Survey Training
One of the locations at which CoastWatch conducts our marine debris survey is at Fort Stevens State Park, just south of the Columbia’s South Jetty. More volunteers are needed to fill out the team, headed by Oregon Shores...
Marine Mammal Stranding Webinar
CoastWatch actively assists the Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network in tracking marine mammals on our shores, alive or dead. There is a form for reporting such events in the CoastWatch section of this website. More knowledge will lead to better observations, so CoastWatch is sponsoring...
Training for Beachgrass Survey
CoastWatch cooperates with Oregon State University scientists conducting a survey for a new, hybrid beachgrass spreading on the northern Oregon coast. We have held volunteer trainings for this citizen science project online during the...
Beached Bird Survey Training
COASST (the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team), which organizes the beached bird survey in which CoastWatch is an Oregon partner, is holding an online training session aimed at prospective volunteers on the south coast on Sunday, May 9, from 9:30...