CoastWatch Events
Events of interest to CoastWatchers, sponsored by various organizations.
Events that are sponsored or featured by Oregon Shores are highlighted.
Past Events
Marine Debris Survey Training
One of the locations at which CoastWatch conducts our marine debris survey is at Fort Stevens State Park, just south of the Columbia’s South Jetty. More volunteers are needed to fill out the team, headed by Oregon Shores...
Brittle Star Webinar
CoastWatch presents the next in our series of online presentations on rocky habitats, particularly those on the south coast, when MacKenna Hainey speaks on “Fantastic Brittle Stars, and Where to Find Them” on Monday, Feb. 8, at 6...
Beached Bird Survey Training
COASST (the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team), which organizes the beached bird survey in which CoastWatch is an Oregon partner, is holding an online training session aimed at prospective volunteers on the south coast on...
Beached Bird Survey Training
COASST (the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team), which organizes the beached bird survey in which CoastWatch is an Oregon partner, is holding an online training session aimed at prospective volunteers...
Saltmarsh Seminar
Oregon Shores, working through CoastWatch with funding from the city of Coos Bay, is supporting development of the Millicoma Marsh Interpretive Trail Project. When completed, this will provide an educational...
Marine Debris Survey Training
One of the locations at which CoastWatch conducts our marine debris survey is at Fort Stevens State Park, just south of the Columbia’s South Jetty. More volunteers are needed to fill out the team, headed by Oregon...
Panel Discussion on Sand Movement
The Newport chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, during its Thursday, Jan. 14, online meeting, presents a discussion of how and why beaches change with the movement of sand and how this affects beach use. The virtual event, which takes...
Talk on Haystack Rock
As part of the World of Haystack Rock lecture series, the Friends of Haystack Rock offer a webinar on the history of their eponymous geological feature. Elaine Trucke, director of the Cannon Beach History Center and Museum for the past ten years,...
King Tides Project, Third Series
The final round of the 2020-2021 King Tides Project, through which volunteer photographers document the highest tides of the year, takes place Jan. 11-13, 2021. The project reveals areas currently...
Talks on Climate, Beaches, and Dunes
The final round of this winter’s King Tides Project is coming up Jan. 11-13. To provide some context for this effort by volunteer photographers to document the reach of the year’s highest tides, three of the Northwest’s leading...