CoastWatch Events
Events of interest to CoastWatchers, sponsored by various organizations.
Events that are sponsored or featured by Oregon Shores are highlighted.
Past Events
Haystack Block Party
The Haystack Rock Awareness Program (HRAP) is celebrating puffins, sunshine, the ocean and more, all in the parking lot of Cannon Beach City Hall. The Summer Block Party is Saturday, July 14 from 5 – 8 p.m. in the...
Talk on Oregon Dunes
Spanning more than 40 miles, the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area is the longest expanse of coastal sand dunes in the United States. Stretching from Florence to Coos Bay, the Oregon Dunes NRA attracts more than one million visitors...
Tidepool Clinic
Join CoastWatch for a “tidepool clinic” in Lincoln City on Saturday, July 14, at 8:30 a.m. Meet at the N.W. 15th St. beach access. The free event is open to all.
For the second year, CoastWatch has joined forces...
BioBlitz at Otter Rock
CoastWatch has taken on a significant challenge—organizing BioBlitzes for Otter Rock and Cascade Head marine reserves. Participation by CoastWatchers and other members of the public is essential. Make plans to get involved...
BioBlitz Introduction and Training
On July 14 and July 15, we’re conducting our big BioBlitzes at Otter Rock Marine Reserve and Cascade Head Marine Reserve, consecutively. The goal is to take a one-day inventory of all the species we can find on...
Evening in Park at Yaquina Head
CoastWatchers and others involved as volunteers with programs educating about natural areas are invited to an “Evening in the Park” at Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area (750 N.W. Lighthouse Dr., at the north end of Newport) on...
Inland CoastWatch Anniversary Bash
Our year-long celebration of CoastWatch’s 25th anniversary comes to Portland on Tuesday, July 10, when we’ll gather at Dan and Louis Oyster Bar (208 S.W. Ankeny St.) beginning at 5 p.m. We’ll toast our...
CoastWatch Anniversary and Shoreline Science Day
We’re celebrating CoastWatch’s 25th anniversary all year. One of the biggest anniversary events will take place on Saturday, July 7, beginning at 9:30 a.m. (doors open at 9) at the Gleneden Beach Community Club...
Post-4th Beach Cleanups
On July 5th, SOLVE will be hosting three beach cleanups coordinated to gather up 4th of July holiday debris before it gets washed out and dispersed into the ocean and up and down the coast.
Seaside's Treasure the Beach XIII: Seaside
Netarts Spit Hike
CoastWatch Volunteer Coordinator Fawn Custer will be among the leaders of a guided hike up Netarts spit that begins at 9 a.m. on Saturday, June 30. Exact location for the hike’s starting point will be revealed to those who RSVP.
Space is...