CoastWatch Events

Events of interest to CoastWatchers, sponsored by various organizations. Events that are sponsored or featured by Oregon Shores are highlighted.

CoastWatch intertidal field trip.  Photo by Alex Derr.
CoastWatch intertidal field trip. Photo by Alex Derr.
No events currently scheduled.

Past Events

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NAME Annual Conference

July 30, 2018, Portland

CoastWatch Volunteer Coordinator Fawn Custer, one of the organizers of the NAME conference, in action.\Photo by Dennis White.
CoastWatch Volunteer Coordinator Fawn Custer, one of the organizers of the NAME conference, in action.\Photo by Dennis White.

The Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators (NAME), with whom our CoastWatch program collaborates every year on the Sharing the Coast Conference, are holding their...

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Whale Watch Weekend

July 28, 2018, Depoe Bay

Gray whales at Depoe Bay.\Photo by Era Horton.
Gray whales at Depoe Bay.\Photo by Era Horton.

The seventh annual Summer Whale Watch Weekend will be held July 28-29.  The Oregon Chapter of the American Cetacean Society (ACS) is hosting the event at Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint (about a mile north of Depoe Bay) from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m....

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Seabird Science Hike

July 20, 2018, Arch Cape

Oswald West State Park, between Manzanita and Arch Cape, is the gateway to the Cape Falcon Maine Reserve. Together, these areas create a corridor of conservation stretching from the land three miles into the sea. The Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve and the Audubon Society of Portland...

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BioBlitz at Cape Perpetua

July 17, 2018, Yachats

Cape Perpetua with Visitor Center to the right.\Photo by Alex Derr.
Cape Perpetua with Visitor Center to the right.\Photo by Alex Derr.

As part of a series of “bioblitzes” being held during this week at Oregon’s marine reserves, a bioblitz is planned for Cape Perpetua for Tuesday, July 17, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.  The Oregon Coast Aquarium is partnering with other...