CoastWatch Events

Events of interest to CoastWatchers, sponsored by various organizations. Events that are sponsored or featured by Oregon Shores are highlighted.

CoastWatch intertidal field trip.  Photo by Alex Derr.
CoastWatch intertidal field trip. Photo by Alex Derr.
No events currently scheduled.

Past Events

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COASST Marine Debris Training

November 18, 2018, Astoria

 COASST marine debris volunteers tally their results.\Photo by Hillary Burgess.
COASST marine debris volunteers tally their results.\Photo by Hillary Burgess.

COASST (Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team) conducts a marine debris project that differs from the one organized by CoastWatch. They are offering a  training in their method which will take place in...

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COASST Marine Debris Training

November 17, 2018, Lincoln City

COASST marine debris survey in progress.
COASST marine debris survey in progress.

University of Washington-based COASST (Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team) conducts a marine debris survey which differs from the one CoastWatch organizes.  They are offering a training session in their version of surveying which will take...