Land Events
Past Events
Panel Discussion on Forestry Practices
As one of our special presentations in honor of our 50th anniversary year, Oregon Shores hosts a panel discussion the “Impact of Forestry Practices on Coastal Communities and...
FERNS Workshop
The Forest Electronic Notification and Reporting System, known more poetically as FERNS, is a tool that enables citizens to monitor forestry activity in their watersheds of interest. A workshop in utilizing...
Cape Arago Hike
The South Coast Striders, back out in the field, are offering a hike from Sunset Bay State Park to Cape Arago on Sunday, April 25, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Meet at the Sunset Bay day use parking lot, near the volleyball courts and restrooms at the south end. The short version...
Lecture on Coastal Habitat Loss
The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (OIMB) is presenting its spring Seminar Series online this year. Most of the lectures take place at 1 p.m. on Fridays. However, the special spring seminar coming up will be held on Tuesday, April 20,...
Seminar on Public Coastal Perceptions
The Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) Thursday research seminar series departs from scientific results to consider public opinion on Thursday, April 15, 3:30 p.m., with a presentation on “Public Perceptions of...
Talk on Climate and Conservation
The “World of Haystack Rock” speaker series will take a look at how climate change may affect the coast with a talk on “Climate Change and Conservation” on Wednesday, April 14, at 7 p.m. The virtual presentation is...
Snowy Plover Patrol Training
Portland Audubon is partnering with Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and the Institute for Natural Resources to monitor endangered Western Snowy Plovers at four sites on the North Coast (from Clatsop Spit near Astoria to the Sitka...
Snowy Plover Patrol Training
Portland Audubon is partnering with Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and the Institute for Natural Resources to monitor endangered Western Snowy Plovers at four sites on the North Coast (from Clatsop Spit...
Talk on Forest Economics
On Thursday, April 8, starting at 6 p.m., North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection will be hosting a Zoom talk featuring economist Ernie Niemi. For more than 40 years, Niemi has...
Snowy Plover Patrol Training
Portland Audubon is partnering with Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and the Institute for Natural Resources to monitor endangered Western Snowy Plovers at four sites on the North Coast (from Clatsop Spit near Astoria to the Sitka Sedge...