Land Events
Past Events
Lost and Imperiled Species Panel
Species that are no longer with us, and species that are at risk of disappearing, will be the theme of a panel discussion, "Lost and Imperiled Species of the Oregon Coast: An Exploration of Oregon's Iconic, Recovering, and Threatened Wildlife." ...
Nedonna Marsh Celebration
Many residents of the Rockaway Beach area, including many Oregon Shores members, have been deeply concerned about the future of Nedonna Marsh, on the southern flank of Nehalem Bay, which appeared to be vulnerable to development. Coastal marshes are all too rare, and play an...
Mushroom BioBlitz
The next in a series of BioBlitzes at the Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve takes place a bit inland, and is devoted to the mushroom population on the area. BioBlitzes are one-time snapshots of biodiversity, in which volunteers...
Birding at Millicoma Marsh
Bullards Beach Hike
Join the South Coast Striders for a 5.4 mile hike along the trails at Bullards Beach State Park on Saturday, Oct. 20, from 10 a.m. to around 12:30 p.m. Meet them in the parking lot across from the Meeting Hall Yurt inside...
Elk River Salmon Seminar
A seminar on the cherished but threatened salmon runs in the Elk River is sponsored by Oregon State University, Oregon Hatchery Research Center, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, NOAA Northwest Fisheries...
Hearing on Geologic Permit
The Newport Planning Commission has held two hearings on an appeal by local citizens, which Oregon Shores has supported, of a geologic permit for a proposed development on Spring St. City staff recommended approval...
Oregon Dunes Talk
Dina Pavlis, perhaps Oregon’s leading dunes maven (and a CoastWatcher and Oregon Shores member), will lecture on the landscape of the Oregon Dunes in Eugene on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 6-8 p.m. at the Claim 52 Brewing and...
Panel Discussion on Pesticides
The Rockaway Beach Citizens for Watershed Protection's regular meeting on Oct. 9, 6-8 p.m. will feature a round table discussion pertaining to the the health dangers of pesticide usage in...
Hearing on Geologic Permit
The Newport Planning Commission will hold its second hearing on a controversial development proposal on Monday, Oct. 8, 7 the Newport City Hall (169 S.W. Hwy 101). Bill Lund, a landowner along...