Land Events

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Past Events

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Scenic Waterway Hearing

September 12, 2017, Nehalem

Marshes of the Nehalem at the south jetty, downstream from the area to be protected.\Photo by Allison Asbjornsen.
Marshes of the Nehalem at the south jetty, downstream from the area to be protected.\Photo by Allison Asbjornsen.

The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) is considering a proposal to include a 17-mile stretch of the Nehalem River in the State Scenic Waterways Program.  A public...

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Welcome the Salmon Home

September 10, 2017, Otis

Traditional salmon bake.
Traditional salmon bake. | Photo from Westwind Stewardship Group

A natural spectacle that occurs at Westwind each year is happening soon: the return of Chinook and Coho salmon to the streams of the Oregon coast, including Westwind’s Salmon River. To celebrate this amazing feat of nature,...

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Environmental Justice Task Force Meeting

September 8, 2017, Newport

Clearcutting can affect communities and their water supplies.\Photo by Trygve Steen.
Clearcutting can affect communities and their water supplies.\Photo by Trygve Steen.

The state’s body investigating the impacts of environmental harm to various communities in meeting on the Oregon coast for the first time.  The Environmental Justice Task Force (EJTF) gives citizens a means...

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Environmental Justice Task Force Forum

September 7, 2017, Newport

 Rising seas due to climate change will swamp coastal lands.\Photo by Jens Andersen.
Rising seas due to climate change will swamp coastal lands.\Photo by Jens Andersen.

The state’s body investigating the impacts of environmental harm to various communities in meeting on the Oregon coast for the first time.  The Environmental Justice Task Force is a means of delivering a...

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Hike Siltcoos Lake Trail

August 27, 2017, Westlake

Siltcoos Lake.
Siltcoos Lake. | Photo by South Coast Striders

The South Coast Striders hiking group is sponsoring a stroll along the Siltcoos Lake trail on Sunday, Aug. 27, beginning at 10 a.m.  The trail makes a four-mile loop through a coastal forest of Sitka Spruce, Western Red Cedar and Douglas Fir to...

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Pipeline Public Hearing

August 25, 2017, Coquille


LNG pipeline under construction.
LNG pipeline under construction.

Coos County will hold a public hearing on an application by Pacific Connector for a pipeline crossing the county on Aug. 25, 1:30 p.m. in the Owen Building Large Conference Room (201 N. Adams) in Coquille.

Pacific Connector is the pipeline arm of the Jordan...

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Geologic Mapping Meeting

August 23, 2017, Portland

DOGAMI scientist measuring coastal erosion.
DOGAMI scientist measuring coastal erosion.

The Oregon Geologic Mapping Advisory Committee will hold its annual meeting on Wednesday, August 23 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Portland State Office Building (800 N.E. Oregon St. in Portland).

The meeting agenda is available at ...

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Movie Night - Leave It To Beavers

August 19, 2017, Nehalem

Leave It To Beavers PBS Documentary.
Leave It To Beavers, PBS Documentary. | Photo from PBS

Join Lower Nehalem Watershed Council and Lower Nehalem Community Trust for Movie Night in the barn at Alder Creek Farm  (35955 Underhill Lane in Nehalem). Settle in for a fun and educational evening. (No dogs allowed.)

“Leave it to...

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Birdwalk at Crissey Field

August 19, 2017, Brookings

Crissey Field State Park
Bird tracks on beach at Crissey Field State Park. | Photo by Schuyler Erle

Join the Kalmiopsis Audubon Society (KAS), and their birding representative Gary Maschmeyer, on a bird-watching outing to Crissey Field, site of the State Parks welcome center just north of the California border, and...

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Webinar on Coastal Invasives

August 17, 2017


Restoration of Bandon Marsh.\ Photo by Dave Ledig.
Restoration of Bandon Marsh.\ Photo by Dave Ledig.
The Association of State Wetland Managers (ASWM) invites the public to participate I a new mini-webinar series focused on best management practices for invasive species in coastal wetlands. ASWM will be hosting a total of six webinars on...