Land Events
Past Events
Forestry Talks
Forest practices are of intense concern everywhere on the coast, but particularly in Rockaway, where spraying and other forest management activities directly threaten the community’s water...
Public Meeting on RV Development Proposal
A landowner is proposing an RV park on forested land across from Arcadia Beach. No formal application has been submitted as yet, but Clatsop County requires public meetings in advance of an application for commercial development adjacent to residential properties. ...
Community Discussion—Channel Expansion
The Port of Coos Bay proposes to deepen and widen the navigation channel through the estuary from the ocean to river mile 8.2. The Corps of Engineers will be preparing an Environmental Impact Statement to...
Notes from the Riverkeepers Performance
A musical homily unveiling the epic, sordid history of crude-oil-by-rail transport in the Columbia River Gorge.
Doors at 6:30pm, show at 7pm
Audience talk-back after the performance at 8:15pm
Notes from...
CoastWalk on North Coast
The North Coast Land Conservancy is sponsoring CoastWalk, a three-days walking tour of north coast landscapes—beaches and sand spits, headlands and saltspray meadows—with all logistics taken care of for participants....
Talk on Forest Practices
Salmon River Mingle and Muse
The Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, located on the slopes of Cascade Head, has the Salmon River estuary spread below it. A good deal of both the art and the ecology done there focus on the river’s marshes and mudflats.
The Sitka...
Siletz Watershed Review
The public is invited to join the Siletz Watershed Council at its quarterly community meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 6:30 p.m. at the Siletz Public library (255 S. Gaither St.). Light refreshments will be provided.
The meeting will feature a...
Annual Nehalem Watershed BBQ
The Lower Nehalem Watershed Council (LNWC) invites council members, partners, friends, and the public to join them at their annual BBQ to recognize volunteers and celebrate the council’s accomplishments. LNWC is dedicated to the protection,...
Hearing on Coos Bay Channel Project
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will hold a “scoping meeting” concerning the Port of Coos Bay’s proposed Coos Bay Channel Modification Project on Wednesday, Sept. 13, from 3-7 p.n. in the Myrtlewood Room of...