Land Events

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Past Events

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Master Naturalist Presentation

January 18, 2018, Newport

Athena Crichton leads a CoastWatch natural history field trip.\Photo by Alex Derr.
Athena Crichton leads a CoastWatch natural history field trip.\Photo by Alex Derr.

Potentially interested parties are invited to a presentation on the Oregon Master Naturalist Program by its statewide coordinator, Jason O’Brien.  It takes place on Thursday, Jan. 18, at 7 p.m. in the Oregon...

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Wildfires of Western Oregon Talk

January 13, 2018, Yachats

Oregon 2017 wildfires in the gorge. | Photo by Tristan Fortsch

The Cape Perpetua Speaker Series is from January-March. Each part of the series is hosted by a special presenter who is well versed on a partiuclar point of interest. This event will focus on the wildfires of Western Oregon. The...

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Anti-LNG Rally

January 11, 2018, Salem

 Anti-LNG rally.\Photo by Allen Hallmark.
Anti-LNG rally.\Photo by Allen Hallmark.

Opponents of the proposed Jordan Cove LNG export terminal and the Pacific Connector pipeline that would serve it have planned a rally at the Oregon State Capitol on Thursday, Jan. 11, beginning at 12:30 p.m.  The goal is to persuade Gov. Kate Brown...

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Steelhead Lecture

January 4, 2018, Newport

Eric Brown
Eric Brown

Winter steelhead runs are picking up throughout the Oregon central coast region.  How do we know this? Who keeps track of these fish populations and how?  The MidCoast Watersheds Council invites the public to attend a presentation on the subject by Eric Brown, Jan. 4, 6:30 p.m.,...

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First Day Hikes

January 1, 2018

Cape Arago Overlook. | Photo by Debbie Tegtmeier

Oregon State Parks invites you to get out and explore the Oregon Coast on the first day of the year. You can find out about other First Day Hikes in Oregon by going to the Oregon State Parks Event Calendar and putting in the category "First...

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Talk on Siletz Basin Projects

December 19, 2017, Siletz

A king tide washes the bank of the Siletz River.\Photo by Meg Reed.
A king tide washes the bank of the Siletz River.\Photo by Meg Reed.

At its quarterly meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 19, the Siletz Watershed Council will host a talk on two projects taking place within the Siletz River’s watershed.  The event, free and open to everyone, begins at 6:30 p.m. in the...

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Meeting on Forest Carbon

December 19, 2017, Salem

Elliott State Forest, a store of carbon in its intact state.\Photo courtesy of OLCV.
Elliott State Forest, a store of carbon in its intact state.\Photo courtesy of OLCV.

The Oregon Global Warming Commission’s Forest Carbon Task Force will meet Tuesday, Dec. 19. The public meeting will be held from 9 a.m. to noon in Conference Room Meitner at the Oregon Department of Energy...

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Deadline for OISC Nominations

December 11, 2017

Gorse, a major invasive species on the coast.\Photo by Lloyd Maxfield.
Gorse, a major invasive species on the coast.\Photo by Lloyd Maxfield.

The Oregon Invasive Species Council is seeking nominations for five at-large member seats that become vacant at the end of December. Nominees are sought who have expertise in one or more of the following areas:...

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Environmental Justice and LNG

December 8, 2017, Salem

Proposed Jordan Cove LNG terminal, artist's conception.
Proposed Jordan Cove LNG terminal, artist's conception.

The Governor’s Environmental Justice Task Force, meeting this Friday (Dec. 8) in Salem, has added a discussion of the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal to its agenda.  This is late notice, but it provides an opportunity for opponents of...