Ocean Events
Past Events
Seminar on Acidification
When ocean acidification is discussed, the focus is usually on the nearshore ocean, but estuaries can be affected, too. The next talk in the Hatfield Marine Science Center’s Research Seminar...
Virtual Docent Discussion
The Hatfield Marine Science Center’s Research Seminar Series features a talk on “Public Science Communication in a Virtual World: Honing your story for virtual tours, exhibits, and talks,” on Thursday, Feb. 25, at 3:30 p.m. The presentation is free and open to all.
Speaker is Shawn Rowe,...
Rocky Habitat Meeting
The Rocky Habitat Working Group of the Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) is now holding a series of meetings to consider the proposals submitted by the public for “site designations”—areas of the rocky shoreline or offshore areas worthy...
Marine Reserves Dashboard Presentation
Rocky Habitat Panel Discussion
Oregon’s Territorial Sea Plan: Part 3, also known as the Rocky Habitat Management Strategy, aims to balance human use and ecological conservation consistent with Oregon’s ocean resources statewide planning goal. For the first time in nearly 25 years, the strategy has gone through a multi-year,...
Marine Debris Survey Training
One of the locations at which CoastWatch conducts our marine debris survey is at Fort Stevens State Park, just south of the Columbia’s South Jetty. More volunteers are needed to fill out the team, headed by Oregon Shores...
Sunflower Star Webinar
Bandon’s Shoreline Education for Awareness (SEA) is presenting a webinar by Sara Hamilton, a PhD candidate in Oregon State University’s Department of Integrative Biology, on the topic “Going, Going.... Gone? Conservation Outlook...
Kelp Lecture
The Hatfield Marine Science Center’s Virtual Research Seminar Series continues on Thursday, Feb. 11, 3:30 p.m. with a talk by Samuel Starko, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Victoria, “Kelp Forests in a Changing Ocean.”
Kelp forests are among the...
Sustainable Fishing Seminar
The “World of Haystack Rock” speaker series will take a look at the harvesting taking place just offshore with a talk on “Seeking Balance through Sustainable Fishing” on Wednesday,...
Brittle Star Webinar
CoastWatch presents the next in our series of online presentations on rocky habitats, particularly those on the south coast, when MacKenna Hainey speaks on “Fantastic Brittle Stars, and Where to Find Them” on Monday, Feb. 8, at 6...