Ocean Events

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Past Events

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Oystercatcher Webinar

May 15, 2020

Black Oystercatchers.\Photo by Scott Carpenter.
Black Oystercatchers.\Photo by Scott Carpenter.

The Friends of Otter Rock group invites the public to join them for a Zoom meeting, featuring a talk on Black Oystercatchers by wildlife biologist Halle Renn.  The event takes place on Friday, May 15, 6 p.m.

The talk will provide general...

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Seminar on Nurturing Seafood

May 15, 2020

Kelp forest on Haida Gwaii.\Photo by Lynn Lee.

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology’s Spring 2020 Seminar Series has moved online.  The public is welcome to sit in through Zoom at no cost.

On Friday, May 15, the speaker will be fishery biologist Lynn Lee, speaking on “Chiixuu Tll iinasdll...

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Cancelled--Black Oystercatcher Survey Training

May 9, 2020, Newport

Black Oystercatcher.\Photo by Molly Sultany.
Black Oystercatcher.\Photo by Molly Sultany.

Note:  The organizers had been holding out, in hopes that coronavirus restrictions would be lifted in time to allow this citizen science training event t take place, but have now cancelled the in-person event.  Online webinars are being...

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Virtual Black Oystercatcher Survey Training

May 9, 2020

Black Oystercatcher.\Photo by Linda Fink.

This year’s annual survey for Black Oystercatchers will focus just on identifying and monitoring nest sites—the abundance survey will not be done this year. 

Due to coronavirus measures, the volunteer training sessions that had been planned have...

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Lecture on Rocky Shores

May 8, 2020

Rocky intertidal habitat.\Photo courtesy of ODFW.

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology’s Spring 2020 Seminar Series has moved online.  The public is welcome to sit in through Zoom at no cost.

On Friday, May 8, the series features a 1 p.m. talk from Robin Elahi, a lecturer from Stanford...

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OPAC Meeting

May 6, 2020, North Bend

OPAC meeting in progress.\Photo courtesy of ODFW.

The state’s Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) will meet on Wednesday, May 6, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the Department of Human Services Building (1431 Airport Ln.) in North Bend.

This is a particularly important meeting.  OPAC will...