Ocean Events

No events currently scheduled.

Past Events

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Cancelled--Black Oystercatcher Survey Training

May 2, 2020, Cannon Beach

Black Oystercatchers.\Photo by Scott Carpenter.

Note:  The organizers had been holding out, in hopes that coronavirus restrictions would be lifted in time to allow this citizen science training event t take place, but have now cancelled the in-person event.  Online webinars are being...

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Lecture on Seagrass Meadows

May 1, 2020

Eelgrass bed in Netarts Bay.\Photo by York Johnson.
Eelgrass bed in Netarts Bay.\Photo by York Johnson.

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology’s Spring 2020 Seminar Series has moved online.  The public is welcome to sit in through Zoom at no cost.

A talk in the series of interest in terms of both marine ecology and climate comes from Aurora...

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Rocky Habitat Working Group Meeting

April 28, 2020

Rocky shore habitat at Lone Ranch Beach.\Photo by Laurel Hillmann.

We are nearing the end of the years-long process through which Oregon is revisiting and revising its strategy and regulations for protecting rocky shore and offshore rocky habitats.  The Rocky Habitat Management Strategy...

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Lecture on Fairy Shrimp

April 24, 2020

Fairy Shrimp courtesy of Oregon Department of Transportation
Fairy Shrimp courtesy of Oregon Department of Transportation

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology’s Spring 2020 Seminar Series has moved online.  The public is welcome to sit in through Zoom at no cost.

On Friday, April 24, the series features a 1 p.m. talk from Terri Williams, a research...

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Talk on Kelp Forests

April 17, 2020

Kelp bed.\Photo by Dave Ledig.
Kelp bed.\Photo by Dave Ledig.

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology’s Spring 2020 Seminar Series has moved online.  The public is welcome to sit in through Zoom at no cost.

The second talk in the series comes from Cathy Pfister, a professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the...

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Seminar on Seaweed and Seagrass

April 10, 2020

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology’s Spring 2020 Seminar Series has moved online.  The public is welcome to sit in through Zoom at no cost.

The first talk in the series comes from Laura Parfrey, an assistant professor and Canada Research Chair at the University of British Columbia, speaking...

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Cancelled--Shorebird Presentation

April 8, 2020, Cannon Beach

Juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper.\Photo by Molly Sultany.

Note:  The following event has been cancelled due to the coronavirus situation.  No word on whether or when it will be rescheduled.

Shorebirds will be the subject when the Friends of Haystack Rock lecture series hosts a talk on by...

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Cancelled--Gray Whale Presentation

March 28, 2020, Yachats

Gray whale breaching.\Photo by Era Horton.

Cancelled:  The following event has been cancelled due to coronavirus precautions.  The organizers will attempt to reschedule for a later date.

In honor of Spring Whale Watch Week, the Cape Perpetua Winter Speaker Series features a talk on...

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Cancelled-- Spring Beach Cleanup

March 28, 2020

Beach cleanup in progress.\Photo by Sara Schreiber.

Cancelled:  This event has been cancelled as a precautionary measure due to the CORVID-19 virus.  It has been rescheduled for July 5.

This year’s annual beach cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, March 28.  The coastwide cleanup takes place...