Ocean Events
Past Events
Land-Sea Symposium
As every year, this is an opportunity to learn about the...
Marine Studies Building Rollout
Those interested in marine science research being done on the Oregon coast might appreciate the opportunity for a preview of planning for the new Marine Studies Building at Oregon State University's Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC). On Wednesday, Nov. 15, 4-6 p.m., the HMSC offers a...
LCDC Meeting with Ocean Focus
Ordinarily, a meeting of the state’s Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) would be featured in our Land Use section. However, the body’s upcoming session in Florence, Nov. 15-17, at the Florence Events Center (717 Quince St.)...
Marine Reserves Presentation
The monthly meetings of the Portland Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation are free and open to everyone, every second Tuesday of the...
Warming Ocean Seminar
As part of the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology's Seminar Series, Louise Copeman of Hatfield Marine Science Center at Oregon State University and also part of NOAA, will be leading a seminar on, “Arctic cod in a warming ocean.” The talk takes place...
Climate Change Film
The Hatfield Student Organization (at the Hatfield Marine Science Center) and the Newport Chapter of Surfrider Foundation invite you to attend a screening of An Inconvenient Sequel - a documentary follow-up to An Inconvenient...
Marbled Murrelet Deadline
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) is inviting public input on its draft Marbled Murrelet status review through Nov. 9. The document, along with background information on the associated rulemaking process, is available...
Marine Mammal Lecture
Seaweed Evolution Seminar
Researchers at the University of British Columbia were curious about how the shape of seaweed affects the drag it experiences as they attempted to understand "how anything can survive in these...
OPAC Meeting
Oregon’s Ocean Policy Advisory Council meets on Wednesday, Nov. 1, at Astoria’s Holiday Inn Express (204 W. Marine Dr.). The all-day meeting begins at 10 a.m. This public meeting is free and open to the public. There is a lunch break at...