Ocean Events

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Past Events

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Beverly Beach Post-Eclipse Cleanup

August 26, 2017, Newport

Newport, Oregon at sunset.
Newport, Oregon at sunset. | Photo by Andrew McCullough

The American Cetacean Society-Oregon Chapter is hosting a Post-Eclipse Beach Cleanup to help keep trash left behind out of our ocean environment. Reducing plastics and trash in the oceans directly helps marine mammals off the Oregon...

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Webinar on Marine Spatial Planning

August 22, 2017

Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve from top of cape. Marine reserves are one form of marine spatial planning.\Photo by Rena Martin.
Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve from top of cape. Marine reserves are one form of marine spatial planning.\Photo by Rena Martin.
An international webinar on marine spatial planning is being offered Aug. 22 by Blue Solutions.  It is being offered around the world, which explains why it takes...
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Newport Beach Cleanup

August 19, 2017, Newport

Agate Beach State Park in Oregon.
Agate Beach State Park in Oregon. | Photo from OutdoorProject

The Newport Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation kicks off their summer Beach Cleanup Series with a cleanup of Newport's Agate Beach on Saturday, Aug. 19, from noon to 3 p.m.

If you'd like to help, meet at Agate Beach State...

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Birdwalk at Crissey Field

August 19, 2017, Brookings

Crissey Field State Park
Bird tracks on beach at Crissey Field State Park. | Photo by Schuyler Erle

Join the Kalmiopsis Audubon Society (KAS), and their birding representative Gary Maschmeyer, on a bird-watching outing to Crissey Field, site of the State Parks welcome center just north of the California border, and...

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Lecture on Marine Parasites

August 16, 2017, Charleston

Flatworm: Pseudoceros fowersi.
Flatworm: Pseudoceros fowersi. | Photo by Alexander Semenov

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology's (OIMB) Summer 2017 Seminar Series includes a discussion from Dr. Jason Williams, from Hofstra University. He will be lecturing on his studies pertaining to the natural history and diversity...

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Phycology Talk

August 10, 2017, Otis

Kelp, one of the more familiar seaweeds, on the shore.\Photo by Allison Asbjornsen.
Kelp, one of the more familiar seaweeds, on the shore.\Photo by Allison Asbjornsen.

Oregon harbors a world expert on the taxonomy of seaweed in Gayle Hansen, a senior researcher based with the Environmental Protection Agency outpost at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport.  Hansen,...

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Sea Urchin Lecture

August 9, 2017, Charleston

Cynthia Trowbridge (right) conducting research at Lough Hyne, Ireland.
Cynthia Trowbridge (right) conducting research at Lough Hyne, Ireland.

Ordinarily, we wouldn’t list a talk about ecology in Ireland, since we keep things closer to home.  But in this case, the speaker is Cynthia Trowbridge, an old friend of CoastWatch and Oregon Shores.  She is one of the...

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Beaver Tales Art Exhibit Opening Reception

August 4, 2017, Nehalem

Busy Beaver by Rene Eisenbart.
Busy Beaver by Rene Eisenbart.

To celebrate beavers and their contribution to the ecology of the North Coast, The Wetlands Conservancy (TWC) and Lower Nehalem Watershed Council (LNWC) have partnered with local businesses to host the Beaver Tales Art Exhibit and Sale in Nehalem. Kicking off...

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Birding at Stanley Marsh

August 4, 2017, Seaside

Image of sunshine coming through the trees at Thompson Creek and Stanley Marsh Reserve.
Morning sunshine coming through the trees at Thompson Creek and Stanley Marsh Reserve. | Photo by Stephen Bowler

Join the North Coast Land Conservancy (NCLC) and naturalist Mike Patterson for an early-morning birdwatching walk at Stanley Marsh, part of North Coast Land Conservancy’s ...

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Orca Lecture

August 2, 2017, Charleston

Photo of two orca whales off the coast of Oregon.
Orcas in Oregon. | Photo by Gary Ligi

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology's (OIMB) Summer 2017 Seminar Series includes a public lecture from Dr. Robert Pitman, who works for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA).

Speaker Robert L. Pitman will discuss “The Family that...