Land Events

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Past Events

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Cancelled: Public Meeting on Lindly Park

February 28, 2023, Waldport

Lower Alsea estuary.
Lower Alsea estuary.\Photo by Rena Olson.

This meeting has been cancelled due to weather preventing a key speaker from appearing. It has been rescheduled to March 16, same place and time.

A public meeting on the future of Don Lindly Park on the Alsea will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 28, 4-6...

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Wetland Walk

February 24, 2023, Nehalem

McCoy Marsh. /Photo courtesy of LNCT

On Feb. 24, the Lower Nehalem Community Trust (LNCT) hosts a "Winter on the Wetland" walk. 

Executive Director Ben Pittenger will lead this walk. It will explore LNCT’s Botts and McCoy Marshes, participants can also view wintering wildlife and learn about...

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Nature Matters: Oregon Marine Reserves

February 23, 2023, Astoria

Cape Falcon Marine Reserve.\Photo by Tiffany Boothe.
Cape Falcon Marine Reserve.\Photo by Tiffany Boothe.

On Thursday, Feb. 23, the next Nature Matters talk will focus on Oregon's Marine Reserves.

The Nature Matters series consists of monthly conversations about the intersection of nature and culture. These events take place on the fourth...

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Presentation on the State of Eelgrass

February 22, 2023, Tillamook

Flyer for eel gras event. /Courtesy of ODFW and TEP.

On Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 6 p.m., Tony D‘Andrea from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's (ODFW) Shellfish Team will be in Tillamook to discuss Eelgrass in Tillamook County watersheds. This presentation will take place at...

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Coos Bay Estuary Map Viewing

February 19, 2023, Coos Bay

Coos Bay waterfront.
Coos Bay waterfront.\Photo by Jody McCaffree.

The Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan is being updated, including the maps that undergird it. Residents of the Coos Bay area, and others concerned about the estuary’s future, are invited to a display of these maps in Southwestern Oregon Community...

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Seminar on Habitat Loss and How to Help

February 18, 2023, Bandon

A Lorquins Admiral butterfly at Stillwater Natives Nursery. /Photo by Tatiana Havill.

On Saturday, Feb. 18, at 1 p.m., Shoreline Education for Awareness (SEA) is hosting a hybrid seminar. SEA is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting education and awareness of shoreline habitats...

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Talk on Birds of the Oregon Coast

January 14, 2023, Bandon



Common Murre colony.
Common Murre colony.\Photo by Mollly Sultany.

On Saturday, Jan. 14, 1 p.m., Bandon’s Shoreline Education for Awareness (SEA) offers a talk on “Birds of the Oregon Coast.” The in-person talk (a Zoom option is also available) takes place in the Sprague Room of the Bandon Library (1202 11th...

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Open House on Coos Bay Estuary Plan

January 7, 2023, North Bend

Coos Bay eelgrass habitat.\Photo courtesy of Oregon ShoreZone.
Coos Bay eelgrass habitat.\Photo courtesy of Oregon ShoreZone.

The process for updating the Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan, dormant since 2019, has suddenly been ramped up to warp speed.  The three jurisdictions that share the Coos Bay estuary—Coos County, and the cities of Coos Bay and...

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Coos Bay Estuary Plan Work Sessions

January 4, 2023, Coos Bay

Coos Bay Boardwalk.
Coos Bay Boardwalk.\Photo by Alexa Carlton.

The process for updating the Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan (CBEMP) has suddenly lurched into high gear. Coos County, and the cities of Coos Bay and North Bend, recently announced a streamlined effort to bring the decades-old existing plan up to...