Land Events
Past Events
Elliott Forest Mushroom Hike
Oregon Shores joined conservationists throughout the state in successfully opposing a plant that would have sold off the Elliott State Forest for logging. The state held onto it, and planning is underway for its future. ...
Public Coastal Planning Policy Meeting
The Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP) is going through a five-year update of its planning and policies. As part of this process, OCMP is holding public listening sessions, at which concerned members of the public can provide...
Talk on Improving Streams
The reintroduction of beavers and large woody debris as a means of improving streams and creating more resilient watersheds will be the focus of a talk sponsored by MidCoast Watersheds Council on Thursday, Nov. 3, 6:30 p.m. at the Newport Visual Arts...
River Film Showing
Two films on the Columbia River are offered on Thursday, Nov. 7, 6:30 p.m. in Astoria’s Columbian Theater. The sponsor is Columbia Riverkeeper. Cost is sliding scale; no one will be turned away.
The subjects of the films are located far...
Marbled Murrelet Seminar
As part of the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) Seminar Series, wildlife biologist Jim Rivers will speak on research focused on the elusive and threatened Marbled Murrelet. Dr. Rivers speaks at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 7, in...
Mushroom Walk
Dane Osis, a ranger at Fort Stevens State Park, will lead a mushroom foraging orientation walk in the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve on Thursday, Nov. 7, beginning at 10 a.m. Meet at the east end of Elk Creek Rd. in Cannon Beach. The event, free...
Coastal Prairie Restoration Day
We don’t usually list restoration projects in our online calendar, because there are so many that take place along coastal streams and rivers—we would be overwhelmed. But we’ll make an exception for an upcoming volunteer restoration activity being conducted by the North Coast Land Conservancy...
Newport Session on Geologic Hazards
At their last full meeting, the Newport City Council considered a change to the city’s planning process that would remove a barrier to citizens...
Dunes Restoration Talk
Brian Saunders, communications and outreach coordinator for the Oregon Dunes Restoration Collaborative (ODRC), along with other ODRC staff, will provide a presentation on dunes restoration and the ODRC organization...
Public Coastal Planning Policy Meeting
The Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP) is going through a five-year update of its planning and policies. As part of this process, OCMP is holding public listening sessions, at which concerned members of the public can provide suggestions...