Land Events
Past Events
Discussion of Lincoln City’s Future
The Cascade Head Biosphere Reserve Collaborative is hosting a public, in-person discussion of Lincoln City’s future on Saturday, March 26, 2-3:30 p.m., at the Lincoln City Cultural Center (540...
Webinar on Coos Bay Indigenous History
The future of the Coos Bay estuary will be considered over the next several years, as the county and cities that share jurisdiction over this vital resource area revisit the estuary management plan. Some planning changes in the...
Accessibility Listening Session
Oregon State Parks is developing new Accessibility Design Standards and hosting four workshops through June, starting with a Listening Session on Monday, March 21, beginning at 6...
Meeting on Roads and Erosion
The state’s Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) and its Coastal Management Program have convened an advisory committee to consider a very specific problem—protecting roads along the ocean, from Hwy 101...
Science on Tap: Coastal Hazards
The Hatfield Marine Science Center continues its “Science on Tap” lecture series. In the covid era, the talks are online. The downside is that instead of imbibing with fellow science enthusiasts, you have to pour your own in...
Panel Discussion on Offshore Wind Energy
The federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), assisted by Oregon’s Department of Land Conservation and Development, is analyzing the ocean off Oregon’s coast for wind energy prospects. There is a high degree of likelihood that the...
Clatsop County Hearing on Natural Hazards
Clatsop County is updating its comprehensive plan, and the current focus is on how statewide planning Goal 7, concerning natural hazards, is covered in the...
Meeting on Wind Energy and Fisheries
The federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is developing a plan to open the ocean in federal waters off Oregon’s shore to wind energy development. This is a form of renewable energy, but it also poses...
Webinar on Forest and Climate
The MidCoast Watersheds Council hosts a talk on the intersection of forests and climate at its March meeting, Thursday, March 3, 6:30 p.m. The topic: “This Ain’t Your Grandfather’s Forestry: Forest Management in a Changing Climate.”
Humbug Mountain Hike
The Southcoast Striders hiking group is sponsoring two hikes of varying lengths at Humbug Mountain, south of Port Orford. The hikes are free and open to anyone, although places are limited. However, if there is enough interest, it...